NCAA BASKETBALL & TOTAL ECLIPSE: Tapping into Power of Help.

Mark H. Fowler
5 min readApr 13, 2024

(Tapping into Power of HELP)The long weekend of April 5th to April 8th of 2024 was an interesting, compelling, enjoyable time — an educational experience at that: NCAA basketball championships for men and women’s teams and, of course, the Eclipse. I am not sure what had more attention — but both were very, very popular — gripping. Attendance was enormous for all of them.

What stood out for me were the connections, the stepping forward that so many people did. The teams that won their categories were collaboratively driven, winning for the individual and clearly for the team — helping eachother both ways, getting help and giving assistance. During the Eclipse, people got married in a massive group, people all along the path got involved in all aspects of the event, team members for TV crews connected in new ways. There was a great deal of sharing and growing — together. I know in my own small group, I found a connection or two that helps me light up that I saw the Eclipse.

It was special in the sense that people connected, shared, helped, were helped, collaborated, stepped forward in predominantly exciting events. Historically, most connections involving situations or events are driven by things that have gone wrong; disasters; deaths of friends, relatives, neighbors; storms and on and on — where people pull together…



Mark H. Fowler

CEO, Stowe Management Corporation; Author: Revolutionary Conversations; Host: “Always Creating Value®” Podcast for Successful Business: